I nailed pacing and fueling to grab a 1:37:07, my second-fastest half today :)
RACE: Grandview Half, Quarter Marathon and 5k
August 6, 2023
TIME: 1:37:07 (7:25 pace, 48th of 485 runners, 43rd
male, 22nd in AG)
SUMMARY: A year ago a car hit me going 35 mph while I was out running.
I never knew if I’d make it back! Today, I nailed my second-fastest
half-marathon on a strong base of 960 miles in 1:37:07, aided by strong pacing
and gel planning. Even with 65% humidity and 75’F temps, I ran my smartest race
on a somewhat hilly course. Oh, and Vaporflies ARE the real deal…
Woke up late, got to Grandview Yard, a complex of apartments, parking
garages and cobblestone brick roads in Columbus at 6:20 a.m. Had to park in the
farthest-away garage but was just glad to make it in 40 minutes before start.
Used the bathroom (not many restrooms but people were fast), missed my group
picture due to long lines, but was ok with it. My goal was originally 1:40, and then changed to 1:45 due to heat and humidity.
After the anthem, the air horn went off and we started out in groups. The
fastest group with a pacer was 8:00 and the elites up front. I think the pacers
went off at 7:30 pace and I just stuck to 8:00 pace the first mile, knowing it
was uphill. Very conservative and I slowly got faster: 8:05, 7:53, 7:30, 7:32 (miles 3-4 were downhill). Mile 5 was uphill but I snagged an entire bottle of water (8:01) and just drafted off people, pacing the pacer
around Mile 4.
Fueling was on-point: Water every mile, Gus at miles 4 and 8, Gatorade every
2 miles as well. Even in the heat and humidity, going out conservative REALLY
paid off. I knew we’d have hills at miles 2.5, 5 and 10.5 and just took it
easier early on. Hit Mile 5 at 38:57. Very happy, versus going out in 36 and
then dying later on, which is what I would have done in 2021 had I run Emerald
City. With no 13.1-mile option last year, it was nice to have Grandview have a
new 13.1-mile option in addition to the 5k and 6.55 (quarter-marathon) races.
The next five miles were steady as I ran by feel. I didn’t look at my watch
except for at each mile split: 7:52, 7:29, 7:21, 7:16, 7:16. Miles 6-8 wound
their way through super-cool ‘50s and ‘60s homes in Upper Arlington, while
miles 9 and 10 had us run through Fred Beekman Park, on an out-and-back trail.
I hit the 15k marker around 70 (!) and 10 came in at 76:10. I knew if I could
hang on I’d break 1:40…
But a funny thing happened—I didn’t get cramps or a side stitch—I just tried
to run relaxed, focused and smooth—and I got even faster. Miles 11-12-13 went
like this—and we were going downhill—7:04, 6:50, 6:43. I sprinted the last 100m
and felt strong enough, hands raised high, to smile for the photos. I usually
finish a race tired and miserable and hate the photos…
But I felt like in good weather, I could have gone sub-1:35 and maybe even beat my 2021 half split of 1:33:45 (set at the Marathon). I know I left a little bit on the table but I wanted to nail fueling, pacing and mental control—and I did. I also danced at the Irish Festival later that day so I held back a little bit and the last 5k was not all-out, yet I am grateful to finally be under 21 (20:58) for the first time since 2008.
Was in 89th place 1.5 miles in, 59th at 5 miles, 53rd at 10 and
finished as the 43rd male.
Vaporflies (Next 1%) are the real deal—I had done a few short runs in them and
it took a little bit to get used to the pogo-stick feel. I found gently used
ones on eBay for $41! I’ll use them for the full as well.
M3Sports put on a great race today and it was well-organized. Crowd support was
great, especially the cheering in the finish chute. Reminded me of my days in
Hoping Grandview offers this race in the future as well. If you go out
conservatively and are a loaded gun at 10 anything can happen if you use the
5-5-5k strategy. (For the marathon, I'll run the same way, 10-10-10k). For me,
I'm just glad I think I figured out fueling too--water, gels and Gatorade--and
on a hilly course. Columbus is fast, flat and cool!
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