
Not a PR, but back in business with a 3:20:41! Once I break 3:20 I'll be done with marathoning.

  No PR at the 2024 Columbus Marathon, but am just happy to be back to my 2021 fitness level and complete my 5th marathon! Background Ran in HS from 1998 to 2002, then quit in college after ROTC instructor told me running was going to blow my knees out in 2004. Went back to walking 1-2 miles a day until May 2017, when I was told to start running to lose weight. First half in 1:45:06 in October, 70’F at start of the Cbus Marathon. Have done multiple 5ks, 10ks, 1/2s and several marathons. Last week’s was my 5 th full and it was my favorite, Columbus. Training After a long layoff after last year’s Cbus Marathon (3:25:24) I started training January 15. Was barely able to run 4 miles in 43 minutes and had to stop once. Within a month I finally was able to do 5 miles in 48 minutes. Built up from 22-36 mpw for the first few months of the block. I even made it up to 50 twice in a row, but backed off due to stress fracture concerns. Was training for the Cap City Half and took it easy...

Turning a bad Marathon into a good one, even with no PR, is still fun!

  I didn't PR a week ago, but still nailed a 3:25:24. And that's part of the journey--even if I'm never going to break 3:20 that may just be what God intended. I'm faster at shorter distances too! Training After a car hit me July 21, 2022, I never thought I’d run again. A few months later, I struggled to a 4:03:05 but was just grateful to complete the 2022 Columbus Marathon. Took time off and began Irish Dancing and base-building in early January. The first time I tried to run three miles it took me 31 minutes. Over the next few months I kept at it, and built a 1,395-mile base between January 10 and October 14. Ran a tune-up half at 80% effort in 1:37:07 on Aug. 6 (48 th of 486 runners). Didn’t go all-out because I was Irish Dancing at the Dublin Irish Festival later that day. During training I peaked at 60 miles twice but averaged between 40-52 mpw most of the time. Did my last workout (5x1600m) on Oct. 5, 10 days before the race, with the last mile in 6:30 and feel...

I nailed pacing and fueling to grab a 1:37:07, my second-fastest half today :)

RACE: Grandview Half, Quarter Marathon and 5k August 6, 2023 TIME: 1:37:07 (7:25 pace, 48th of 485 runners, 43rd male, 22nd in AG) SUMMARY:  A year ago a car hit me going 35 mph while I was out running. I never knew if I’d make it back! Today, I nailed my second-fastest half-marathon on a strong base of 960 miles in 1:37:07, aided by strong pacing and gel planning. Even with 65% humidity and 75’F temps, I ran my smartest race on a somewhat hilly course. Oh, and Vaporflies ARE the real deal… Woke up late, got to Grandview Yard, a complex of apartments, parking garages and cobblestone brick roads in Columbus at 6:20 a.m. Had to park in the farthest-away garage but was just glad to make it in 40 minutes before start. Used the bathroom (not many restrooms but people were fast), missed my group picture due to long lines, but was ok with it. My goal was originally 1:40, and then changed to 1:45 due to heat and humidity. After the anthem, the air horn went off and we started...

Third marathon in the books. Forget the time. It's a celebration of survival!

  Grateful. Columbus usually has a single word as its annual marathon theme. For me, it's grateful. Forget the 4:03:05 time--the time is the least important part of my 2022 journey. Completing *this* marathon is why I fell in love with the sport with the first place! A big thank-you to Darris, Star, and the Cbus Marathon team for making this yet another great event. And a shout-out to OhioHealth for helping me in the medical tent overcome dehydration cramps. I didn't have the best training block due to a near-brush with death 7/21 but I made it to the starting line alive and grateful. I changed my fueling strategy to include 6 gels instead of going with 3. I wound up taking 8 (took the 2 the race provided me), and two bananas. I ran even splits early on, Gallowalked every 2 miles for 1-1:30 to be safe, but went too fast between miles 8-15 (8:20 pace). I should have stuck with the 4:00 pacer but I'll be smarter next time. That said, I ran an even race and only started to fal...

Lucky to be here. My '21-'22 season is basically the '88 Browns in a nutshell

My training block for the 2022 Columbus Marathon mirrors the up-and-down season of the 1988 Cleveland Browns.  That year, the team had Super aspirations after losing in the AFC title game the prior two seasons to Denver. As things tend to happen in CLE, the team failed to make the Super Bowl, but it wasn't for trying: They lost 20-25 players at various times throughout the season, yet went 10-6 and still made the playoffs as a wildcard, losing to the Houston Oilers on Christmas Eve. What does this flashback to a forgotten era of NFL football have to do with my running journey? It's a similar uneven path to success, fraught with failure and success, sometimes within the same week. It all began after I went out too fast in the 2021 Columbus Marathon, splitting a sparkling 1:33 on the front end, then dying at 22 with a bunch of 9:00 miles and finishing in 3:20:01, missing sub-3:20 by TWO seconds! I tried to get smart that winter and got injured but somehow slogged through 23 miles...