Turning a bad Marathon into a good one, even with no PR, is still fun!
I didn't PR a week ago, but still nailed a 3:25:24. And that's part of the journey--even if I'm never going to break 3:20 that may just be what God intended. I'm faster at shorter distances too! Training After a car hit me July 21, 2022, I never thought I’d run again. A few months later, I struggled to a 4:03:05 but was just grateful to complete the 2022 Columbus Marathon. Took time off and began Irish Dancing and base-building in early January. The first time I tried to run three miles it took me 31 minutes. Over the next few months I kept at it, and built a 1,395-mile base between January 10 and October 14. Ran a tune-up half at 80% effort in 1:37:07 on Aug. 6 (48 th of 486 runners). Didn’t go all-out because I was Irish Dancing at the Dublin Irish Festival later that day. During training I peaked at 60 miles twice but averaged between 40-52 mpw most of the time. Did my last workout (5x1600m) on Oct. 5, 10 days before the race, with the last mile in 6:30 and feel...